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Gearjunkie Gets It Wrong, Pinkbike's Podcast Controversy & Heinz Ketchup Packets For Your Run

Today on THE ROCK FIGHT (an outdoor podcast that aims for the head) Colin is joined by journalist Justin Housman to talk about notable headlines to come out of the outdoor industry and community in the past week.

The pair get into the following topics (with time codes):

  • Listener email about Colin & Justin's Star Wars transgressions (02:04)

  • Heinz ketchup packets as on the go nutrition for runners (05:44)

  • Gearjunkie reverts to form and puts a murder trial verdict as it's lead story (08:40)

  • Pinkbike Podcast vs The Loam Ranger and who gets to share their outdoor content on the internet (14:14)

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Colin (00:08): Welcome to the Rock Fight where we speak our truth, slay sacred cows, and sometimes agree to disagree. This is an outdoor podcast at aims for the head. I'm Colin True and joining me today he's running on nothing but angst and Heinz ketchup packets. It's Justin Hausman. Justin (00:23): Hi Colin. How are you? Colin (00:26): No angsty. More angst. More Justin (00:27): Angst. Oh, this is me angsty. Ah boy. Colin (00:32): I seen you on Twitter. I know you can get there. I can't. I'm Justin (00:34): Just worried I'm not going to have enough energy. I get a pop up in a Heinz. Colin (00:38): I'm so excited to talk about that. Today on the show, we're going to be running through our favorite headlines that come out of the outdoor community and industry over the past week, including a very special one, A Bounce About Heights, ketchup. But first, it's November 17th. We made it to Friday, and that means it's time for America's favorite podcast segment. What's Justin doing this weekend? Presented by Long Weekend Coffee. So Justin, what are you doing this weekend? I'm Justin (01:00): Drinking Colin. Colin, you getting wasted? This is a drinking weekend. It's been a week. It's been a week. It's supposed to rain a shit load tomorrow. So I think what I'm going to do is enjoy some time in my glamping set up. I got in the backyard, my big old canvas tent. Just listen to the pitter-patter. Colin (01:16): Rain drops. Is that a year-round setup that you got was a summertime Justin (01:19): Game. It's be, I'm rolling with it. It seems fine. It's rained a couple times here. Nothing's crazy. Although last night we had lightning and thunder, which is super fun. Colin (01:25): Backyard glamping. A little booze, Justin (01:27): Little booze. There's waves. I'm going to surf as soon as this is. Podcast is over officially, it's my Friday or it's my weekend. This weekend has sucked ass. So I'm on weekend time right now and I'll drink some coffee. Colin (01:37): Well, if you're doing to drink some coffee, you should go with Long Weekend Coffee. Justin is doing this weekend is presented by Long Weekend Coffee with four varieties of beans. Long weekend coffee is the Go-to coffee for all your adventures. Whether it's glamping, drinking, surfing, not just on the weekend though. Head to Long Weekend Coffee. Shop around at a checkout, enter promo Code Rock 10, get 10% off your first order Long weekend coffee. More weekend please. Well, before we get to headlines, we got to dip into the mailbag has got one email from Luna in Los Angeles who sent a note in regarding our conversation around Columbia's Star Wars themed ski kit a couple of weeks ago you and I chatted about that. I had some nasty things. Well, we both kind of agreed that Star Wars, let's say is in a low place. Yeah, say that. (02:22) We're not the franchise. Luna writes, I'm an outdoor enthusiast and I really love the show. I love the way you try to hold the industry to account, but I do have a beef with some of your comments in the last show regarding Star Wars. I can't disagree that the franchise has taken some pretty mediocre turns, but to admit and or, and to a lesser extent, rogue One from your blanket dismissal is disappointing. I mean, if that's the depth of your Star Wars, I think she means Star Wars knowledge. How can I trust your take on mountain bike suspension? I hope this is just an oversight. Keep up the mostly good work. Yeah, I'll take this one. I'll start with this one. That was a major oversight and or is one of my favorite TV shows of all time. Part of the reason I love or is it doesn't feel like has anything to do with Star Wars frankly. I think that's what really one reason that makes it really good and rogue. One is probably, I guess I would say it's probably, it's my favorite Star Wars movie, but I would call it maybe the second best one after Empire. I think you probably feel similar. Similar. I think Justin (03:23): It's better than Empire. Colin (03:25): Whoa, hot. Take Rogue One Over Empire. Justin (03:28): It's also the only Star Wars movie that doesn't have an opening crawl like the opening the world, whatever besides, I dunno what you call it, besides the crawl, did Colin (03:38): Solo have an opening crawl? Justin (03:40): Oh, I don't know. I bet it does though. You know what? Colin (03:42): I think solo's a little underrated. Justin (03:45): Underrated solo's good. I like solo. I've watched Solo a bunch. Colin (03:48): Well, you said you had something to say about Columbia as relates to Stars Justin (03:51): War. I did. I do. Well, so we talked about their little Star Wars foray into clothing, but we've talked a lot of, I don't know if I would say talk shit about Columbia, but we've definitely raised objections to some of their marketing choices with Star Wars in the Overland shoes. But I was thinking about this. It's funny. Sorry, Colin (04:17): Sorry. Columbia Overland Justin (04:19): Just sounds funny. It's funny, I've told lots of people about it. They all snicker. There we are. But I was thinking about how I'm not currently, but at some point today I will 100% be wearing some mountain hardware stuff. I can't leave the house without some of their more recent pieces that they've been making and they've been cranking out some pretty epic clothes. I have some natural fiber stuff from them now. Almost like a work jacket that's hemp and some hemp pants. So dope and I'd feel bad. Colin (04:49): I think hardware got a little vanilla I think at Columbia definitely is to blame for that at different points over the last, I dunno whenever they bought them. I'm sure it was in the two thousands at some point, but the early two thousands. But I think lately hardware does seem to have a little bit of a return to form. They do share sourcing departments, things like that. So the corporate overlords definitely keeps tabs on what's happening at hardware. But I agree with you. I think hardware is an important brand. I mean at the time that hardware came out in the nineties, you had Marmon and North Face and Patagonia and I'm sure I'm missing a few others, but it's like hardware was cool. I mean, they were the ones who were like, you could see all the expeditions up in the Himalaya and stuff like that and the hardware tents and outfits or the puffy straight Justin (05:34): Up legit. I mean they still make some of the best full on mountaineering suits of the world. Colin (05:38): Well, we'll save our vitriol for some other folks later in today's episode. We got some things to get off our chest for sure, but first we talked about in our open today, Heinz ketchup. Have you seen this? Heinz Ketchup is trying to create a trend amongst runners to take their ketchup packets along with them for quick calories in their new campaign. The company claims their tomato ketchup has a good source of energy and that runners everywhere are using Heinz ketchup packets on their runs. I think that's the made up part. They're providing resources so you can arrange your run to find more ketchup packets while outrunning. I'm not verifying if those are legit or not, but it's literally a Strava thing and it looks like a little keystone. There's Justin (06:12): Logo, here's a Burger King. I mean, you know where they're going to find it. Colin (06:15): It's like you're running by, it's like, oh, you can get a ketchup pack in there if you want Justin (06:17): To go, you're supposed to go in and take free ketchup packets. That's not how it works. Heinz. I Colin (06:22): Did anyone reach out to Burger King corporate office? Yeah, Justin (06:24): Dude, they pay for those. Colin (06:26): I mean, do they though? That's a good Justin (06:28): Question. Well, somebody does. I mean, you're right. That's a good point. But also I love how condiments are just considered free by everybody. Just walk up just like, oh yeah, I'll just grab. That's not cool. Colin (06:41): I went through a RAI canes drive-through the other night for my two raising canes. What the hell is that? It's like a chicken nugget. I must be soak out thing. I don't know. But we don't really have Justin (06:50): Drive-thrus here, Colin (06:52): So we're going through and three times I get asked, do you want ketchup? Do you want ketchup? Do you want ketchup? We're taking it home. I'm like, no, no, no. We get home, there's like six packs of ketchup in Justin (06:59): The back. Oh dude. I'm like, dude, you know how it, have you ever worked in a job like that? You're not listening. You mean it. We're asking you Colin (07:05): Mean it. Don't even Justin (07:05): Ask me. They meant it. They were like, do you want ketchup? If you do, we'll put some in. If you don't, we won't. And then you're like, whatever. At that point though, later they're like, they're doing 400 things, so they don't know the Colin (07:14): Cults of ketchup. Yeah, I bet that RAI canes was on the running route for here in San Marcos. You got to hit the RAI canes in your free Justin (07:20): Ketchup pack so they don't say anything in this little press release or whatever you're reading from about actual nutritional value and or caloric or whatever the hell is in it. That makes Colin (07:28): Not really, I mean at first I thought, well, here's the funny thing. So it's obviously a publicity stunt, but I like ketchup. When I was doing endurance sports, actually the last ultra I did, I made a whole bunch of egg and cheese burritos. I wanted real food at aid stations and there's a picture of me actually on the rock fight website of my buddy putting ketchup on my egg and cheese burrito because sugar and salt and everything else that you kind of need when you're out there. I was like, I could see this being real. But then of course all the coverage you do see nutritionist being like, oh, that's actually not what you need and you need these carbohydrates and it's short on that or whatever. I think it is. But is it more appealing? I there's times when almost like ketchup sounds more Justin (08:06): Than goo always. Colin (08:07): Well that's what I mean, right? You're not a jail Justin (08:09): Guy. Or not Goose specifically, but a gel. I know goo the best. I went through a jail phase where I kind of dug them and I'd take 'em with me on rides and stuff, but they're not that pleasant. I mean I've never just, of course I'm sure I've eaten ketchup packets. Of course I have. I probably would rather have a ketchup packet. I'm kind of surprised there's not a ketchup flavored energy gel. Colin (08:29): Anyway. Well anyway, I respect what they're doing over there. Heinz, nice job. That's pretty funny. Good for you for kind of trolling the endurance crowd for a little bit with your ketchup. Alright, so next up, I know we weren't going to talk about this and I gave Gear Junkie some credit earlier this week for taking this story off of their homepage, but as of this morning, it's their lead story as it was announced that Caitlyn Armstrong was found guilty of murdering cyclist Mo Wilson. But Gear Junkie to me has a real, and I don't want to just make this into a bashing session and we'll see if this even makes the final cut of this episode, but most of the stuff is light. It's a stuff and consumer capitalist focused website. All of their content is mixed with a high amount of sponsored content. It's really hard to kind of take them seriously. If it comes to a serious tone, it's in their name, it's Gear Junkie. So their homepage is bizarre. They have this giant murder verdict story sitting on top of a knife gear review, a guide on how to give a wristwatch a review of the new Hyundai Santa Fe and then the best gifts for Hunters in 2023. And if you just Google the trial, the verdicts showing up on CBS, New York Times NPR, Fox Justin (09:39): Watson, right, where you're going to get better information. Colin (09:40): Yeah, I mean it's on Outside's website, you don't Justin (09:42): Need any of that because who gives a shit, but Colin (09:44): Whatever. That's true, but it's like that's where you see the verdicts from murder trials. So I just feel like they just shouldn't do this at this point. And I don't know. I don't really know if I even have a, so what, maybe I shouldn't just go to their website or include their content for the show in the future, but it really is to me, back to the reason we talked about this a couple of weeks ago. Justin (10:03): Well, I don't know if they have a problem. I actually presume that Gear Junk is doing really, really well. Knowing the way that the internet works today and affiliate sales and all that stuff. I have a feeling they're probably Colin (10:13): Doing pretty good. Crushing it. Yeah. Justin (10:15): So I don't know. I agree with you. It's a weird, but I mean we talked about it before. I don't really understand why this is an outdoor person's story. I guarantee you someone else got murdered in the same week that also rides a bike. I mean, not to disparage Mo or anything like that. It's a horrific situation, but it's Colin (10:34): A weird thing to, it's being covered. It's on all of those new settles I just mentioned. Justin (10:37): I get why outside would that's like their bag. But it is a bit weird. I agree with you. I mean, I'm sure that there were more important impactful things that happened this week in environmental legislation or something that you could have covered instead, but that's like we've talked about a million times. There's only so many things you can say and cover, and if you're trying to shovel content into the furnace to keep things going, it makes some sense. And I don't think, I mean, but also look at Gear Junkie. It's essentially a clearing house for new stuff coming out. I mean, they do try to be objective about reviews, but I don't think that's really why. I doubt that's why people actually go there. You go there because stoked on new gear and you're seeing what's coming out. I don't think there's a hugely critical eye for their readers. So I imagine most people are just like, oh, interesting. And scrolling past that and going back to knife reviews. So I dunno, it got some eyeballs. Colin (11:35): I think you just cracked it for me and thank you because I'm looking at the site right now and under topics, it's apparel, camping, fitness knives, news hunting, fish technology, snowboarding, biking, climbing, footwear, motors, hiking, paddling, skiing, that's Justin (11:49): Everything. Jesus Christ. Colin (11:50): But that's everything stuff related. Okay. I don't see, there's not sustainability manufacturing, like corporate news earnings calls, Justin (12:00): Right? That's not what Colin (12:00): They're for. It's not a news website. So why is this the one that is weird, right? I mean I think that's ultimately what's rubbing me the wrong way here. Frankly, I'll be honest, the only reason I brought it bringing it up at all is because the other day I was nice to them and I'm like, Hey, I'm glad you took that down and then here it is today, front page and it pissed me off a little bit. Justin (12:21): I would say that something like that, I think it was a dude that was preparing to kill a bunch of people at that Smith Rock climbing. That seems like a bigger outside outdoor store. Even for that Colin (12:34): Was a climber going to potentially murder other climbers? Justin (12:37): And I also, I could be wrong. I didn't look at it, so maybe they did. I doubt your jockey's doing actual independent journalism here. I imagine they're just reporting what they're reading on. I doubt they're sending people to the trial. I don't know, maybe they're good point. A bit weird. It's a bit weird. It's like Black Friday is coming up. You probably have more gear junky ish things to cover. I don't know. Colin (13:01): It just stands on a sore Justin (13:02): Thumb. Honestly. Why certain outlets cover the things they do will always interest me because I worked in media for so long. A lot of times that's literally just the person who's in charge thinks it's super interesting. They have a bugaboo about it and everybody else is like, that happened to surfer all the time. Why the hell are we, or honestly, probably other people thought about that when I'm writing about stuff. Who gives a shit dude? But it meant something to me Colin (13:27): Just in this kind of media landscape where you have to curate how you get information. If you don't want to be overwhelmed, if you're going to engage in the internet, it comes at you like a fire hose. And this was my takeaway from the Trump administration and the coverage of it. It's like, okay, I'm no longer going to allow news to be thrown at me. I'm going to go get it when I want it. And so if I go to Gear Junkie, it's going to be like, oh, what's the newest thing that's out here? I don't want a murder thrown in my face. I mean, it'd be like if I went to AJ's website and you guys were covering stuff like this, I'd be like, oh, that's that's not why I'm here. Justin (14:01): Totally. I mean, I'm sure Gear Patrol is not doing stories on the Wilson trial Colin (14:05): Anyway. All right, well I'll say it again, please. Gear Junkie do better. I typically like going to your site and lately it's been making me angry. Next thing I want to talk about, did you see this thing this week? The Pink Bike Podcast had an episode that apparently are going over some pet peeves and they said a few things that kind of raised the hackles of this YouTuber, this guy Lone Ranger Justin (14:25): I did, only because you sent it to me. I like Ranger come what you're trying to Colin (14:29): Make it look like. Justin (14:33): I mean, I like Lone Ranger because he rides or he's always given really positive reviews to bikes, so I click on his site, but no, I listened to it. So he's a YouTuber. I guess I actually didn't really realize he was such a big YouTuber. I've always just read his content on his blog, bike reviews and stuff like that. So he gets annoyed because he listens to the Pink Bike podcast where they are giving their pet peeves about what? Mountain bike content Colin (15:02): Or just in general Mountain bike pet peeves. Justin (15:04): They basically accuse people of becoming YouTube personalities. If you can't compete at a high enough level and you're into a sport, that's Colin (15:11): Their thing. Or shooting, filming your ride and then uploading the whole thing to YouTube or whatever. Justin (15:16): If you're not Danny McCaskill or whatever or them presumably. So this guy gets, he plays a bit of their, plays a little section from the podcast that they put out and claims to have lost sleep over it and gets super mad. He feels like he doesn't say it as much, but it seems like he feels like they're talking about people like him. Yeah, just kind of marginal rider. He's probably a great, I no doubt he smokes me on a mountain bike. I guarantee he's way better than me, but I'm sure he feels a little bit like, Hey, I'm not a beginner route. What's interesting to me is it raises the question of who's allowed to be either an expert on something, right? Do you have to be a super fast mountain biker to be an expert on mountain bikes? He took on bridge about if you aren't a top level, you don't really have, shouldn't a platform. (16:08) I don't think they really mean that. I mean, you and I say things all the time that I don't think we mean on this show. I can't imagine gun to their head. These guys would think that. But I do think it's interesting in a world where everybody could upload anything they want. You don't have to be, there's a really popular surfer, hugely popular surfer named Ben Gravy and he does, I don't really enjoy his channel, it's boring to me, but he goes all over the place surfing novelty waves, not a soft tops. He's a good surfer, better surfer than me, but he's not, he would never win a contest at even a low level event. He's not just an absolute ripper. He's got a giant following, huge following. So what is it not worth watching? He's not Dane Reynolds. I don't know. It's a weird thing. And if you start going down that road, you're going to find out that most of the people that you read or watch or whatever in the outdoor world aren't pros. I'm not a professional at anything. I talk about Colin (17:06): The interesting thing I think you just said there too about I think Ben Gravy's a good example because Ben Gravy has found a following because he has uploaded a champ like an actual YouTuber. He's a YouTuber more than he is a surfer and he's cultivated his personality and his audience and he has gotten really good at hosting these videos. I think podcasts are the same thing. Everybody thinks it's about what you're talking about. It's like sometimes it's about Justin (17:28): You. No, it's personality based. Do you have juice? Colin (17:30): You have juice or you don't? They're pumping our tires saying that we're the best at this. But I think we found a following so far because people, they want to hear what you and I have to say, I think it's the same thing here where if you're going to criticize, first of all, it's kind of a nothing burger. I went and listened to the whole podcast. There's nothing to get upset about. They didn't say anything that really, when you listen to the whole thing, I was just like, it never went a million years would've thought that anybody would've gotten upset about this. So I do look at you Lone Ranger if you're listening to this and be like 10 minute video telling me you lost sleep. Like okay, maybe he touched the nerve a little bit because of your background, get it, but it really wasn't that bad. (18:07) That being said, why do people come to your channel? Because they want to hear what you have to say about stuff. If there's anything to be critical about the people who go out and film their backyard ride and put it up on YouTube, it's just that it's boring. Even if you can rip, even if you're a good mountain biker, to your point, you were saying, I think before we started recording about watching videos of good surfers, at some point I'm going to get bored. I respect the skills like, hey, that's great. Why you're really good at this. At some point I'm be like, okay, can we go do something else now? You can be a great mountain biker if you're just putting a ride of you riding on a trail. That is not that interesting. I would Justin (18:40): Also assume that Pink Bikes, single biggest traffic drivers are their Friday fails. It's just people falling off their mountain bike. I guarantee that smokes everything else they do. Colin (18:50): Everything's the only thing I watch consistently. My kids and I watch it together. We have a ball Justin (18:54): That is the most amateur thing that you guys do and it's probably your biggest traffic driver. Yep. So I dunno, I don't know. I think there's something, the flattening of the internet in terms of flattening hierarchies, we're still figuring this out. It used to be someone like Ben Gravy would never have existed before the internet, obviously clearly. But it used to be there was a little club and it was hard to get into. Now everybody can get in the club and people are still trying to figure it out. What does it mean? What does it mean to be an editor at a very influential and popular enthusiast media platform? If random dudes can beat you on YouTube, what does it mean anymore? What are any of us doing anymore? Why do we Colin (19:41): Care? And that's kind of the thing where I think I call it a nothing burger because there's caveat after caveat on the podcast of like, we're just talking about our pet peeves. Don't take any of this seriously. Justin (19:50): These are op-eds that we're putting Colin (19:51): Out there. But even if they did, it's also like why are you complaining about it? Because all those shitty ride videos probably have a dozen views on YouTube and I'd say the same thing to Lone Ranger. It's like, okay, I get it. You were that person who had started uploading it, so you took it a little more personally. Do you really needed to call out pink it his job? Justin (20:09): Yeah, right. I mean it's his job. Colin (20:10): It is. But also, do you really need to make a 10 minute video calling them out or just go make even better content than Pick Pink Bike is making? Because I think Pink Bike, except for Friday fails, that's a little stale. I don't need to see another Northwest Whistler mountain bike video from Pink Bike. There are other places and environments you can ride in Pink Bike besides the Northwest Justin (20:30): Pink Bike is such a good example of something I desperately wish we could figure out how to do, which is just make websites once a month. Colin (20:39): I Justin (20:39): Really do think everybody who has ever granted this is, I'm sure kids that are 13 would be like, you idiot, if you didn't grow up with magazines, this won't make any sense to you. But there's got to be a way to where we can just hold back. You don't need to. Colin (20:56): Times month they make something really cool basically. And then the rest of it is just noise. Yeah. Justin (21:00): Yeah. So it's just save up all your content for 30 days and then put out a fricking great website and then maybe you only let people have access to it for a certain amount of time. I don't know how it would work. Colin (21:11): The only adventure videos I watch consistently usually are Cody Townsend's figured it out because I am not a skier, but every episode of the 50 is interesting to me. Cool. It's a mission-based thing. We know he's trying to accomplish something. He's really good on camera, he's good at, it's not a hardcore, I'm a badass style thing. He gets into the dangers of the back country, the decision-making. It's interesting, even if you don't like going in the mountains or skiing or anything, there's another channel called Mediocre Amateur. A bunch of guys in Utah, they make really great 10 minute little videos about their adventures. And I see that as almost as like, oh, I'd like to go, oh, they're in Switzerland. Sweet. That's cool. Let's go check that out. I think most mountain bike and surf and climbing these videos that come out of those worlds, which are sports I like to do, are just not that interesting. And to your point, pink Bike is a great example of this. Those guys obviously know what they're talking about. You listen to that podcast, these are knowledgeable mountain bike people. They understand all the things about bikes, the brands, how they operate, how they supposed to operate, what's good, what's bad. But it's information overload on mostly boring stuff that I don't care about. Justin (22:24): I just realized in a lot of ways I am those pink bike guys and I hadn't thought about it before and it's not so much, I don't mind seeing poor content in terms of if you don't surf or ride a bike, well that doesn't matter. I just, honestly, I'm about to pull a pink bike moment where if someone pulled this out of context, I'd sound like a raging piece of shit. But I just don't really care about your opinion if you're not on my same level as a surfer, if that makes any sense. Because your experience and mine are not remotely similar. It's like you going, I don't really get it. It's like I'm not saying I think you're a bad person or you shouldn't surf, but it's like, well fuck, we have nothing to talk about here then because we're not on the same. Yeah, Colin (23:04): Look, you spend all day at Pink Bike and you're doing review after review and you're producing stuff and you're making all this content and then you flip on YouTube and it's 16 videos of somebody putting up a 35 minute descent off of a tiny little hill in their backyard. I'd probably get irritated too. If I saw that. That would be a pet peeve of mine. I would think. Justin (23:22): I'm getting heated just thinking about it actually. Yeah, Colin (23:24): It's weird. I think the human nature part of this, and I think that this is probably the larger thing with the outdoor community, is all this stuff is supposed to be, it's friendly and nature and all these things about getting back and going outside, but we're still human in today and some stuff's going to get under our skin. And what gets under my skin might be different than what gets under your skin. I don't know if the lone Ranger guy needs to make a 10 minute video talking about this. I really expected the podcast to be really inflammatory. I expected to walk away going, wow, man, that was fucking low blow towards the amateur YouTuber and it was just nothing there to the point where I'm like, this guy made a 10 minute video and edited it and uploaded it over this. So hey, Justin (24:02): We've been talking about it for at least 15 minutes. Yeah, Colin (24:06): Exactly. So I don't know, man. They'll world still a little bizarre at times. Well man, that's all I got. Anything, any other headlines from your end? No. Alright. Well, before you turn us off, please click that follow button to follow the show on whatever podcast app you're hearing us on. Maybe leave us a review, a little five star rating. It's the best way to help the rock fight grow. You can also write into the rock fight by sending your emails to My rock Give our old pal Tacoma, fill some company in the inbox. Justin, what do you got the plug? What's going on? I mean, Justin (24:38): It's the same thing last few weeks. AJ's 30 one's out or it's about to be out. It's pretty good. Colin (24:42): Yeah. What'd write Justin (24:43): For it? It's a good one. What have I got in there? I got nothing long. I do the front of the book stuff. So a nice fun piece on whether the Siberian SCA explosion from 1908. Colin (24:55): You mentioned that before. I can't Justin (24:56): Actually read, was actually a black hole. Yeah. Yeah. Some fun little mementos, notes and fragments. It's pretty fun this time. The little tidbits at the beginning, that sort of stuff. But it is just a great issue. It was one of the best pieces I've read in a long time about riding a mountain bike on the entire Iditarod Colin (25:12): Trail. We can also hear you on the Adventure Journal podcast, so check that out. Get more Hausman in your life, but Justin (25:17): Not too much. Colin (25:18): Find Justin at his local beach break. He'll not talk to you. It'll be Justin (25:21): Great. Goddamn right. I won't. Colin (25:24): Well, the Rock Fight is a production of rock Fight LLC for Justin Haman. I'm Colin True. Thanks for listening. And now the part you've been waiting for. It's time to head into the sunset with my friend and yours, Kristen MAs from Less Than Jake with the rock fight fights on. We'll see you next time.


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